“The vocabulary of Silk Stone Moving was totally Mao’s; the Asian character of dance wove as a fabric into the choreography. The music seemed to inspire the almost narrative segments of the work, rather than match step to note. The dancers used the massive stage in the performance space to the best advantage, for elevations, breathtaking lifts, and fast-moving entrances and exits. Whether, as in the opening, “ one dancer held the total attention of the capacity audience, or whether attention had to be divided by watching the various moves by dancers spaced across the floor, the result was nothing short of captivating.

    Mao has assembled a group of dancers with a truly multicultural background. The drama throughout was on the faces and in the body language in every segment. Mao has trained his team to display an enviable unity within diversity which should certainly be a goal for many institutions – not only a success here in this remarkable company.”

Ulster County Townsman

  1. Silk Stone Moving

  2. featured Michael Mao’s

  3. intriguing choreography,

  4. totally charmed – almost hypnotized – the audience with ‘what happens now?’

  5. Mao choreography.”